A Letter To Myself 10 Years From Now
TEDx Petaling Street 2023 "BALANCE"
Love18 x Tedx Petaling Street
In the hustle and bustle of life, we often forget the importance of reflection and self-awareness. "A Letter To Myself 10 Years From Now" is now an invitation to embark on a transformative journey.
Imagine receiving a letter from the most trusted and knowledgeable person in your life – your future self. What advice, hopes, and dreams would they share with you? What lessons have they learned along the way?
This campaign is all about capturing that essence. It's about taking a moment to pause, connect with your inner self, put your thoughts, hopes, and dreams onto paper, set a path for success, and leave a legacy for the person you're destined to become. It's a chance to map your aspirations and watch them come to life. Together, we make a difference in our lives and everyone around us.
Thank you, everyone, for joining us on this remarkable journey of #Let'sMakeADifference.
Start today and uncover a lifetime of potential within yourself.
Love18 十年之约:下一个十年,你想对你自己说什么?
TEDx Petaling Street 2023 "BALANCE"
Love18 x Tedx Petaling Street
Love18 #LetsMakeADifference 活动,很高兴和你相遇!下一个十年,我们约定你,一起成为更好的我们,一起「用生命影响生命」。
来找找你跟自己的 #十年之约 吧!